Friday, September 28, 2007

Corny Worksheet Jokes

Ever have a math sheet for homework that was one of those corny joke worksheets? Ever had one of those you just couldn't answer because you didn't listen in class or just can't understand how to answer the problems? I remember having some I couldn't do, so I looked up the answers online. I found hardly any! So that's why I made this. So you could get the answers you need when you need them, or completly abuse this privaledge, OR completly ignore this page. Whatever you do, at least it's here. And if you happen to come accross this, and you read it, but you see I'm missing a couple corny riddles, feel free to comment and tell me the ones I've missed. I'll gladly add them on to my list. I don't have any from elementary or middle school because I just don't remember any of those. Here's my list so far:

Q: Why did the dog have to go to court?
A: It got a barking ticket.

Q: What do you get when you cross a stereo with a refrigerator?
A: Very cool music.

Q: Why is space travel like a chalk board?
A: Both are markable.

Q: What did the mermaid do on Saturday night?
A: She went out with the tide.

Q: Did you hear about...?
A: The kid who thought that musical instruments have teeth because his mother bought a new tuba brush?

Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a centipede?
A: Bacon and legs.

Q: What do you get when you cross a sorceress with a millionaire?
A: A witch person.

Q: What do you get when you cross 3 cheerleaders with 12 hot fudge sundaes?
A: Fat chants.

Q: How do you get 27 kids to carve a statue?
A: Have everyone chip in.

Q: What did the cowboy artist like to do?
A: Draw his gun.

Q: Why was the cat afraid of the tree?
A: Because of its bark.

Q: What has 12 humps and lives in the North Pole?
A: Six lost camels.


Unknown said...

The jokes are stupid and made no sense but thanks for the barking ticket one

Unknown said...

Where is the car joke

Unknown said...

Where is the car joke

Unknown said...

I believe the answer is: XLER8